Learn Algebra Online With 8 Best Available Courses

Best Algebra Courses
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Reading Time: 9 minutes

One subject that most high school and college students struggle with is algebra. To master this subject, you must have a stronghold over the fundamental topics.


And as you move forward, it could be of great help to have a source of step-by-step guidance to walk you through the more advanced concepts.


Nothing does it better than taking an online course. Online courses can help you gain the skills you need to master this subject, whether you are a high school student or a professional planning to resume your education.


These basic algebra online courses can come in handy in providing you with the extra help you need to excel in Algebra.


To help you out, we have created an exclusive list of top algebra courses to learn algebra online.


Top Algebra Online Classes

  1. Become an Algebra Master (Udemy)
  2. Learn Algebra The Easy Way! (Udemy)
  3. Abstract Algebra: Group Theory with the Math Sorcerer (Udemy)
  4. Algebra I (Beginning Algebra) (Udemy)
  5. The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Algebra (Udemy)
  6. Algebra: Elementary to Advanced Specialization by John Hopkins University (Coursera)
  7. Algebra Courses (edX)
  8. Algebra 1 (Khan Academy)


Get The Best Algebra Training Online With These Courses!

1.  Become an Algebra Master (Udemy)

Become an Algebra Master


Learn algebra with this comprehensive course covering everything you need to know in Algebra 1 and 2.


To help you check your progress as you move ahead, these best algebra online courses come with over 120 quizzes and over 20 workbooks. You’ll also find important notes at the end of each lesson and the chance to clarify your doubts in the Q&A section.


Rating 4.7
Return or refund policy 30-day money-back guarantee
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration 12.5 hours of on-demand video
Enrolled 53, 139 students
Instructor Krista King


Cons This is not the best online algebra class for beginners.


Learning Outcomes

In these classes, you will be learning:

  • Fractions, radicals and exponents
  • Advanced operations in fractions, radicals and exponents.
  • Operations, along with the order of operations and like-terms.
  • Graphing (parabolas, parallel lines, perpendicular lines)
  • Equations as well as systems of equations (direct variation, indirect variation, inverse operations, time/rate/distance related questions)
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions.
  • Polynomials and factoring.
  • Functions- sums and products of functions and domain and range.
  • Inequalities (conjunctions on a number line, trichotomy and graphing inequalities)



To take up this algebra training online, you require:

  • Knowledge of arithmetic of whole numbers.
  • Knowledge of decimals, exponents, fractions and radicals.
  • Basic arithmetic


Who should take this course to learn algebra online?

These algebra online classes are for:

  • Parents who homeschool their children and want some extra help in algebra.
  • Students studying Algebra 1 and 2.
  • Students who will be studying algebra soon and want to get ahead.
  • Anyone who wants to revise math.


Review Dylan H. :

“Excellent course on the concepts of Algebra. Will prepare you for basic math courses in College.



2.  Learn Algebra The Easy Way! (Udemy)

Learn Algebra The Easy Way!

This inclusive, 18-sections long course has been carefully curated for high school students who are studying algebra 1, 2 or 3. It will also prove to be extremely helpful to university students dealing with intermediate and college-level algebra.


Rating 4.7
Return or refund policy 30-day money-back guarantee
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration 21 hours of on-demand video
Enrolled 6, 187 students
Instructor Julio G.
Cons Detailed examples and more explanations could have been included.


Learning Outcomes

In this one of the best algebra online courses, you will be learning:

  • The basic principles and fundamentals of algebra along with order of operations, fractions review, inequalities, functions etc.
  • When you learn algebra online with this course, you also gain insights into what are absolute value functions, factoring, polynomials, systems of linear equations, rational and radical expressions, and quadratic equations.
  • You’ll also be covering other topics like complex imaginary numbers, conic sections, geometric sequences, arithmetic sequences, logarithmic functions, exponential functions and systems of linear equations.
  • How to solve linear equations and how to graphic linear equations using slope and Y-intercept.



To sign-up for these algebra online classes, you require:

  • A basic understanding of mathematic principles.


Who should take this course?

This is the best algebra training online for:

  • High school students studying algebra.
  • College students who have taken algebra.
  • Adults who are thinking about going back to college.


Review Yohannes H. :

“He speaks slowly easy to follow . And his methods are easy to understand.



3.  Abstract Algebra: Group Theory with the Math Sorcerer (Udemy)

Abstract Algebra: Group Theory with the Math Sorcerer


These advanced-level abstract classes focus on group theory specially designed for math majors and those interested in learning advanced math.


To learn algebra online through this course, you must know about writing proofs and math notation. The short assignment included with the course will help you track your understanding of what is being taught.


This one of the best algebra online courses consists of 98 video lectures, divided into 17 different sections.


Rating 4.8
Return or refund policy 30-day money-back guarantee
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration 9.5 hours of on-demand video
Enrolled 1, 737 students
Provider The Math Sorcerer
Cons This pace of the course is a bit slow.


Learning Outcomes

In this best online algebra class, you will be covering a variety of topics, including:

  • Defining Binary Operation and ways to determine whether an operation is a binary operation.
  • Defining a Group and examples of important groups under various operations.
  • General Linear group, Klein Four-Group, Special linear Group, the additive group of integers module
  • Notations for permutations
  • Determining whether a binary operation is associate or commutative.
  • Groups defined on powersets and with componentwise multiplication.
  • Proving fundamental properties of groups
  • Cyclic groups
  • Injective, surjective and bijective functions
  • Knowledge and examples of subgroups
  • Relation, equivalence relations, equivalence classes
  • Constructing finite cyclic groups with direct products.
  • Function, domain, codomain, and direct and inverse image.
  • Symmetric groups
  • How to probe that Cosets are equivalence classes that partition a group.
  • Lagrange’s theorem and proof.
  • Normal subgroups, group homomorphisms, group isomorphisms and quotient groups.
  • First and second isomorphism theorem



To take up these best algebra online courses, you must:

  • Have a thorough understanding of higher-level mathematics.
  • Those who are not thorough with advanced math but have a strong desire to learn may also take up this course.


Who should take this course to learn algebra online?

This is the best algebra training online for:

  • Those looking to learn advanced-level math.
  • Math majors.


Review Lizzie M. :

The course is amazing. I really enjoyed the course. I gained experience and knowledge.



4.  Algebra I (Beginning Algebra) (Udemy)

Algebra I (Beginning Algebra)

Beginner-level algebra courses can help you build a strong foundation and make it easier for you to deal with more advanced concepts.


If you want to learn algebra or brush up your knowledge on the basics of algebra, these algebra online classes are the right pick for you. In these short but comprehensive algebra online courses, you will cover this complicated subject’s fundamentals via video lessons divided into various segments.


Rating 4.9
Return or refund policy 30-day money-back guarantee
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration 1.5 hours of on-demand video
Enrolled 4, 084 students
Provider Math Fortress


Cons The course has not been updated in a long time.


Learning Outcomes

In this course, you will:

  • Learn algebra online and master the fundamentals of algebra.
  • Improve your problem-solving abilities.
  • Improve your conceptual understanding of the subject
  • You will be covering several topics like grouping symbols, variables, equations, and translating sentences into equations and words into symbols.



To take these best online algebra classes, you must be aware of basic math and prealgebra.


Who should take these algebra online courses?

This basic algebra course is most suitable for high school and college students.


Review Zahid. :

This course teaches basics of Algebra in a very easy to follow pace and easy to understand for perfect novice. It also shows how to solve a number of examples shown in the course.



5.  The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Algebra (Udemy)

The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Algebra


This algebra training online course includes an in-depth explanation of a standard algebra course’s fundamental concepts and topics.


Divided into digestible segments, the course takes you through all the concepts you need to master without overwhelming you with excessive information. You will also be challenged to use the skills you learn to solve practice problems.


Rating 4.2
Return or refund policy 30-day money-back guarantee
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration 21.5 hours of on-demand video
Enrolled 2, 834 students
Instructor John Swokowski


Cons The pace of the course is a bit slow.


Learning Outcomes

In this course you will be learning:

  • Algebra concepts that are a part of a standard algebra course.
  • Master the skills you require to do well in placement tests like GED, ACT or high school equivalency exam.
  • You will be covering topics like the language of algebra, how to solve equations, quadratic equations, linear equations, graphing inequalities, systems of equations, radical expressions and more.



For signing up for this one of the best algebra online courses, you require:

  • A 6th grade education at least
  • A strong desire to learn.


Who should take this course?

Students who are looking to gain expertise in essential fundamental concepts of the subject should take these best online algebra classes.


Review Britney G. :

This is a very good course for any student in high school getting ready for GED exams and more. You have helped me a lot in my studies.



6.  Algebra: Elementary to Advanced Specialization by John Hopkins University (Coursera)

Algebra: Elementary to Advanced Specialization by John Hopkins University


If you are planning to take up courses that require precalculus and calculus and want to strengthen your knowledge of algebra and geometry, this specialization, consisting of basic algebra online courses, is for you.


The three courses included in this specialization to learn algebra online are for beginners and intermediate-level learners. The program also trains you in quantitative skills and reasoning.


This specialization includes the following algebra courses:


Rating 4.9
Return or refund policy 7-day-free trial
Certification Yes
Paid Yes
Duration Approx. 4 months (2 hours per week)
Enrolled 5, 326 students
Instructor Joseph W. Cutrone


Cons This course is not for advanced learners.


Learning Outcomes

In this best online algebra class, you will be covering several topics such as:

  • How to solve linear, polynomial, exponential and quadratic equations.
  • Irrational, rational and real numbers properties.
  • Properties of functions like domain, range, graphs, intercepts and asymptotes.
  • How apply the theory presented for modeling data, evaluating arguments and reasoning logically.



7.  Algebra Courses (edX)

Algebra Courses

edX offers an array of algebra classes that can help you master new skills, improve existing skills and perform better at school or college.


If you want to pursue algebra as a part of higher studies, you must strengthen your foundation of the subject. These basic algebra online courses can help you do this by offering a step-by-step guide to master various fundamental concepts of algebra.


Here are a few top courses you may consider opting for on this platform:



8. Learn Algebra Online With Khan Academy

Learn Algebra Online With Khan Academy


This comprehensive course offered by Khan Academy covers all the fundamental topics that come under Algebra 1. In this course, you will be covering the following sections:

  • Foundations of algebra and knowledge of units
  • Systems of equations and forms of linear equations
  • Inequalities and functions
  • Linear equations and graphs
  • Absolute value and piecewise functions
  • Solving equations and inequalities
  • Exponents and radicals
  • Sequences
  • Exponential growth and decay, quadratics and quadratics functions and equations
  • Irrational numbers


Online courses for algebra are a great option for people who need a little extra help in tackling this subject. Whether you are still in school or dealing with college-level algebra, you are sure to find a course that suits your level of expertise.


Those returning to studies after a long break can take up basic algebra online courses to brush up their knowledge and skills. In order to learn algebra online with these classes, all you need is a knowledge of mathematic fundamentals and the willingness to learn. All the best.


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