11 Best Epidemiology Classes Online (Public Health)

Best Epidemiology Classes Online
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CDC defines Epidemiology as the scientific, systematic, and data-driven study of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in defined populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global). It is also the application of this research to the management of health issues.


We bring you the best epidemiology classes online that you could enroll in to deepen your understanding of the subject.


Top 11 Online Courses on Epidemiology

  1. Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health offered by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Coursera)
  2. Epidemiology in Public Health Practice Specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University (Coursera)
  3. Epidemiology for Public Health Specialization offered by Imperial College London (Coursera)
  4. Online Professional Training in Epidemiology for Health Managers offered by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  5. Principles of Epidemiology by Berkeley Extension
  6. Epidemiology Courses by edX
  7. Introduction to Epidemiology by Udemy
  8. Public Health 101 Series by CDC
  9. Epidemiology and Biostatistics Online Course by University of North Dakota
  10. Advanced Epidemiology by Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
  11. Epidemiology by Distance Learning by London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Best Epidemiology Online Courses

1. Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health offered by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Coursera)

Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health offered by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Epidemiology sometimes referred to as “the cornerstone” of public health. Students will have a greater understanding of epidemiology by applying the principles acquired in this online certificate course in epidemiology to contemporary public health challenges and difficulties.


This epidemiology training online examines public health challenges such as cardiovascular and infectious illnesses — both locally and worldwide – through the prism of epidemiology.


Rating  4.6 based on 3849 ratings
Duration 7 hours epidemiology class online


Level  Introductory course
Refund Policy 7-day free trial
Certificate Provided  Yes
Course Material Provided  Yes
Live Classes/Recorded Lessons  Recorded lessons
Course Type  Paid course
Course Instructor Dr. Karin Yeatts and Dr. Lorraine Alexander
Scope for Improvement (Cons) The quiz section of this online certificate course in epidemiology could improve greatly.


Topics Covered

  • Introduction and history of Epidemiology
  • Understanding measures of disease frequency
  • Prevalent v/s Incident Cases
  • Risks
  • Rates
  • Causality



There are no requirements to pursue this epidemiology training online.


Review TW.

I just completed my course and I would like to appreciate the tutors for doing a great job, yeah! Also, I recommend Coursera for anyone who wants to experience advancement in knowledge and career.



2. Epidemiology in Public Health Practice Specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University (Coursera)

Epidemiology in Public Health Practice Specialization offered by Johns Hopkins University

This epidemiology online course is designed for people who work or want to work in public health at the local, regional, and national levels.


You’ll learn to apply the fundamental epidemiological toolbox to measure population health, assess treatments, gather and analyze data, and study outbreaks & epidemics throughout five online certificate courses in epidemiology taught by teachers from the world’s best school of public health.


Rating 4.7 based on 2826 ratings
Duration 5 months course
Level Beginner level course
Refund Policy 7-day free trial
Certificate Provided Yes
Course Material Provided Yes
Live Classes/Recorded Lessons Recorded
Course Type Paid course
Course Instructor Aruna Chandran, Emily Gurley, Justin Lessler, Keri Althoff and Stefan Baral
Scope for Improvement (Cons) The pace of the course is slow.


Topics Covered

  • Role of Epidemiology in Public Health
  • Definition of Epidemiology
  • History of Epidemiology
  • Essential Public Health Services
  • Public Health Governance
  • Numeric Estimates in Epidemiology
  • Depiction of Epidemiological data
  • Data Visualization
  • Risk Factors in public health
  • Graphs in Public Health
  • Basic mapping of Epidemiologic data
  • Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Epidemiology methods in public health practice
  • Data Sources in public health
  • Measures of disease burden
  • Health Indicators
  • Surveillance as a Core Public Health Function
  • Defining Surveillance objectives
  • Surveillance Data Reporting Systems
  • Surveillance System Attributes and Assessing Performance
  • Analysis of Surveillance Data
  • Dissemination Strategies and communication frameworks
  • Chronic disease Surveillance Systems
  • Special Surveillance systems
  • Outbreaks and epidemics


Learning Outcomes

  • Utilize procedures for weighing evidence and calculating measurements.
  • Learn about the epidemiology toolkit in this epidemiology class online.
  • Population health may be measured.
  • Data collection and analysis for public health surveillance
  • Look into illness outbreaks and epidemics.
  • Understand the history, services, governance, and workforce of public health.
  • Calculate numerical estimates to analyze public health issues and the prevalence of a condition in a population.
  • Data visualization may be used as an epidemiological tool to describe risk variables.
  • Use fundamental mapping abilities as well as a tool for epidemiologic decision-making.
  • Discuss epidemics and the primary epidemiologic methods that were employed throughout the investigation.
  • Analyze outbreaks using fundamental epidemic dynamics.



This is an introductory-level best epidemiology online course. A background in public health is advantageous here but not absolutely necessary.


Is it the best epidemiology training online for you?

This specialization is designed for individuals who work or want to work in public health at the local, regional, and national levels.



3. Epidemiology for Public Health Specialization offered by Imperial College London 

Epidemiology for Public Health Specialization offered by Imperial College London

This advanced epidemiology course online will teach you how to appropriately read epidemiological research, consider its limits, and develop your own investigations.


Measuring Disease in Epidemiology, the first course in the specialization examines the key measurements used in epidemiology and how they might guide decisions about public health policy, screening, and prevention.


The second course, Research Designs in Epidemiology, gives a review of the most popular study designs and their advantages and disadvantages.


The third course of epidemiology class online, Validity and Bias in Epidemiology, expands on the essential principles covered in the prior courses by discussing bias and confounding and how they may impact study results.



Rating  4.8 based on 733 ratings
Duration 3 months course
Level  Beginner level course
Refund Policy 7-day free trial with subscription
Certificate Provided  Yes
Course Material Provided  Yes
Live Classes/Recorded Lessons  Recorded lessons
Course Type  Paid epidemiology training online
Course Instructor Filippos Filippidis
Scope for Improvement (Cons) The audio accent is a problem for a few students. They have to look at the transcript instead of the videos.


Topics Covered

  • Measuring disease in epidemiology
  • Measures of disease frequency
  • Measures of association
  • Association and causation
  • Relative & absolute measures of association
  • Attributable risk and strategies for prevention
  • Disease detection and screening
  • Study designs in epidemiology
  • Introduction to study designs: Ecological and cross-sectional studies
  • Case control studies
  • Cohort and nested studies
  • Randomization process
  • Validity and bias in epidemiology
  • Confounding
  • Effect modification
  • Causation


Learning Outcomes

The students will learn the following topics under this advanced epidemiology course online:

  • Calculate and interpret suitable metrics to reflect illness frequency, association, and attributable risk in specific circumstances.
  • Calculate and evaluate sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values in the context of screening.
  • Compare and contrast several epidemiological research designs in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Identify the many sorts of biases that might emerge in epidemiological research so that solutions to eliminate such biases can be implemented.



A background in health sciences or quantitative approaches would be advantageous, but not required for the learners to pursue this best epidemiology class online.



4. Online Professional Training in Epidemiology for Health Managers offered by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Online Professional Training in Epidemiology for Health Managers offered by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

This best epidemiology training online for Health Managers is a cutting-edge online curriculum for public health professionals from two specific locations: Latin America and Spain.


Participants accepted into this training programme will complete this coursework as professional education rather than academic credit and work on real-world public health issues throughout the duration of the nine-month programme.


This Spanish epidemiology class online takes 8-9 months to complete and includes one in-person workshop as well as three online trainings: Introduction to On-line Learning; Principles of Epidemiology for Managers; and Epidemiologic Methods for Planning and Evaluation of Health Services.


Furthermore, throughout the programme, participants are divided into working groups to examine, discuss, and apply the principles and methodologies of the courses to real-world public health challenges.


Each team creates an advanced health scenario analysis of one of the five health issues chosen for that cohort. These health issues are drawn from actual health priorities in various American nations.


Participants will get a Statement of Completion after taking this advanced epidemiology course online.



5. Principles of Epidemiology by Berkeley Extension

Principles of Epidemiology by Berkeley Extension

Epidemiology is the study of illness and health distribution in human communities. Learn the fundamental concepts of epidemiology, apply them to specific public health issues, and critically evaluate epidemiological research with this best epidemiology online course.


The topics covered under this best epidemiology training online includes:

  • discussing epidemiological ideas and how they might be used to sample difficulties,
  • disease risk,
  • techniques for evaluating disease causative variables,
  • the evaluation of epidemiological study designs and research activities


Duration 180 days course
Level Intermediate level
Certificate Provided  Yes
Course Material Provided  Yes
Live Classes/Recorded Lessons  Recorded lessons and live sessions
Course Type  Paid epidemiology class online
Course Instructor Alice Guan



Proficiency in English as this best online certificate course in epidemiology is taught in English language only.



6. Epidemiology Courses by edX

Epidemiology Courses by edX

Explore these free epidemiology online courses with edX. But, remember that you get a certificate only with the paid version that is available for a minimal fee.


 a. Epidemics 1

In this free epidemiology training online, you will learn about the science, prevention, and control of epidemics. In addition to lectures by HKU’s foremost scientists in this field, this course will include a supplementary module on COVID-19 and panel discussions with world-renowned epidemic specialists.


Topics Covered

  • Epidemics: Past, Present, and Future
  • Discussion on Ebola and Zika Outbreak, and Supplementary Module on Next Generation Informatics for Global Health
  • Ecology, Evolution, and Emergence of Infectious Diseases
  • Medical Detective: Bug Hunting in Epidemics


b. Epidemics 2

In this best online course on epidemiology, we will examine the fundamental scientific concepts underpinning epidemics as well as the public health initiatives behind their prevention and management in the twenty-first century to discover why this is the case.


Topics Covered

Following topics are covered under this best epidemiology class online:

  • Basic Concepts in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Epidemiologic Triangle: The Pathogen, The Host and The Environment
  • Evidence Synthesis
  • Infectious Disease Modelling



7. Introduction to Epidemiology by Udemy

Introduction to Epidemiology by Udemy

In this epidemiology training online, the lecturer will introduce you to some of the fundamental concepts and principles of epidemiology that make it such a dynamic and adaptable topic, particularly in the health sciences.


When you enroll in this epidemiology online course, you will have access to all materials, including lecture videos, practice quizzes, and downloadable tools, for as long as you want to study and review the subject. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion to add to your résumé, curriculum vitae, or LinkedIn profile.


Rating 4.7 based out of 34 ratings
Duration 1 hour online certificate course in epidemiology
Level  Intermediate level
Refund Policy  30-day money back policy
Certificate Provided  Yes
Course Material Provided  Yes
Live Classes/Recorded Lessons  Recorded lessons
Course Type  Paid epidemiology online course
Course Instructor Professor Candelario
Scope for Improvement (Cons) This epidemiology class online has not been updated since long.


Topics Covered

  • Classical v/s Clinical Epidemiology
  • Scientific study of disease
  • Natural history of disease
  • Prevention strategies
  • Mechanisms and causes of disease
  • The Epidemiologic Triangle
  • Agents of disease or illness
  • Preventable causes of disease
  • Risk Factors for disease
  • Biologic and behavioral factors
  • Immunologic factors
  • Genetic factors
  • Nutritional factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Ecological issues in Epidemiology
  • Vaccination and patterns of immunity
  • The Diphtheria Case
  • Smallpox eradication
  • Syphilis Stigma
  • Effects of Sanitation
  • Paradoxical effect
  • Vector control and land use patterns
  • Synergism of Factors for Disease Predisposition
  • Antigenic shift vs Antigenic drift
  • Role of Epidemiology in public health


Learning Outcomes

  • Principles of Epidemiology
  • Epidemiologic Triad
  • Risk Factors for Disease
  • Contributions of Epidemiologists
  • Ecological Issues in Epidemiology



Background in basic health sciences is mandatory to attend this epidemiology class online.


Is it the right course for you?

This is the best online course on epidemiology for:

  • Scientists in the Laboratory
  • Students of Medicine and Health Professionals


Review Joy W.

Very informative, easy to follow along, and it kept my attention throughout the course. Thanks!



8. Public Health 101 Series by CDC

Public Health 101 Series by CDC

The CDC addresses the six critical sciences that are critical to public health practice in this epidemiology online course.


Topics Covered

The instructor will impart knowledge on the following topics in this best epidemiology training online:

  • Public Health approach
  • What is Epidemiology
  • Epidemiology key terms
  • Calculating rates
  • Epidemiology approach and methods
  • Epidemiology data sources and study design
  • Investigating an outbreak
  • Conclusion


Learning Outcomes

  • Definition of Epidemiology
  • Basic terminology and concepts of epidemiology
  • Types of data sources
  • Basic methods of data collection and interpretation
  • Public health problems in terms of time, place, and person
  • Main concepts of a descriptive epidemiology outbreak investigation



9.  Epidemiology and Biostatistics Online Course by University of North Dakota

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Online Course by University of North Dakota

This is a three-hour best epidemiology online course with credits that introduces students to diverse methods used in public health practice.


The course emphasizes on appropriate method application and interpretation of results. There will be examples and problems from public health settings in this best epidemiology class online.


Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Biostatistics
  • Cross-sectional research study design
  • Defining risk
  • Measuring ordinal variables
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Basic and conditional probability
  • Binomial distribution
  • Normal distribution and Z-scores
  • Introduction to Confidence Intervals
  • Hypothesis testing


Learning Outcomes

A few things that you will learn in epidemiology online course are:

  • Recognize the many types of measuring scales, such as quantitative, ordinal, and categorical scales.
  • Describe the sample distribution’s form, location, and dispersion.
  • Calculate central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and variability measurements (variance, standard deviation)
  • Distinguish between discrete random variables and continuous random variables.
  • Calculate the estimated probability of normal random variables.
  • Describe the sampling distribution of a normal population sample mean.
  • Create and analyze confidence intervals based on means.
  • Perform and interpret one-sample, two-sample, and paired t-tests on means.
  • To compare means, interpret the components of an analysis of variance and use a F test.
  • Conduct and interpret z-tests and chi-square tests for independence and homogeneity.



10. Advanced Epidemiology by Columbia Mailman School of Public Health

Advanced Epidemiology by Columbia Mailman School of Public Health

This Certificate in Advanced Epidemiology provides graduates with in-depth knowledge of epidemiologic methodologies in various issues such as infectious and chronic illness and for varied populations.


In addition, the epidemiology class online promotes awareness of epidemiology’s position within the larger disciplines of public health, medicine, and social and behavioral sciences, all of which epidemiologists frequently collaborate.


Graduates of this certificate will be able to detect possible ethical issues in research investigations and assess alternate ways. In addition, this rigorously best online certificate course in epidemiology equips MPH graduates with the critical multidisciplinary thinking and methodological skills required to face today’s challenging public health concerns.



  • This is an epidemiology training online available to Columbia MPH students in Biostatistics\Epidemiology.
  • Applicants must have completed one semester of calculus and scored in the 75th percentile or above on the GRE’s Quantitative Reasoning Section to pursue this epidemiology online course.
  • Students who do not complete the calculus and GRE criteria may be eligible if they receive an A- in the Core’s REMA-Quantitative module during the Fall semester.



11.  Epidemiology by Distance Learning by London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Epidemiology by Distance Learning by London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Epidemiology is the fundamental science that underpins medical research, public health practice, and healthcare assessment.


This is the best epidemiology class online that offers epidemiology training to people working in academic departments, research modules, or health care settings. This course is also appropriate for people wishing to pursue a career in epidemiology research and academics, or in other health related fields.


People who need to understand the epidemiology, such as medical journalists and scientific officers in government and industry, will also learn a lot from this course.


Learning Outcomes

With this best epidemiology online course the students will be able to:


  • exhibit knowledge and comprehension of epidemiological methodologies and their application in a variety of health-related situations;
  • display knowledge of the major types of epidemiological studies and identify critical concerns with their usage;
  • identify the causes of inaccuracy and bias in epidemiology research and provide solutions;
  • display data management and quantitative results presentation abilities;
  • handle computerized epidemiological data;
  • critically review other people’s research (in terms of the topic, the design, the technique, how it was performed, and how it was analyzed);
  • select appropriate designs for epidemiological studies (to a limited extent, only PGCert students);
  • develop detailed protocols for epidemiological studies (to a limited extent, only PGCert students);
  • conduct appropriate statistical analysis of epidemiological data and interpret results (to a limited extent, only PGCert students);


Academic requirements for this epidemiology training online:

All candidates must have the following qualifications to attend epidemiology class online.

  • An honors degree or equivalent in health-related field or statistics from a university or institution recognized by the University of London.
  • Work experience in health care is preferred but not required.
  • Individual consideration may be given to applicants who have an adequate professional or technical qualification in a health-related subject that the University recognizes as equal to a second class honors degree, as well as at least three years of relevant experience.
  • Qualifications from all around the globe are accepted; for further information, please check the University of London’s qualifications for admission. Students who do not meet the entry requirements may be admitted at LSHTM’s discretion based on their academic qualifications, job experience, and recommendations.


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Learn epidemiology with experienced trainers and instructors at your own pace. TangoLearn has compiled a list of the best online certificate course in epidemiology shortlisted from various platforms. Learn more about these epidemiology classes online by clicking on the link annexed.


Best Epidemiology Courses is rated 4.4 and reviewed by 12 Epidemiology Experts & 35+ Epidemiology Classes Students

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