8 Best Fluid Mechanics Courses to Learn Fluid Behavior

Best Fluid Mechanics Online Courses & Classes
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Reading Time: 12 minutes

Fluid Mechanics is one of the most challenging Physics concepts. At times, students fail to grasp the concept or are second-guessing whether they should pursue a course solely because they are scared of the complexities of Fluid Mechanics.


If this seems like you, then you must enroll in a good fluid mechanics training program. Now, the problem lies in finding the right course, given the plethora of available options. But, we have done all the hard work for you and scoured the internet to look for the best fluid mechanics courses.


Initially, we picked the 20 best courses and then shared this list with the top Physicists from around the world. Then upon careful screening, they chose the top eight courses, which we have addressed in the article below.


Now, the big question that may be in your head is how did we pick our list. So, the answer is simple. We selected the top courses after comparing them on four parameters:


  1. Ratings and reviews of the course from students who have availed of this course in the past.
  2. The price that you pay for the course
  3. Offerings of the course – what you receive from the course, and
  4. The background and the experience of the instructor.


Hence, we used this analysis for our initial list of 20 courses, from which the below-listed eight courses have been picked. So, now, let us get started and address these courses one by one.


Eight Best Fluid Mechanics Courses

  1. Lectures on Selected Topics in Classical and Fluid Mechanics – by MIPT – [Coursera]
  2. 1st Part – Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students – [Udemy]
  3. 2nd Part – Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students – [Udemy]
  4. 3rd Part – Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students – [Udemy]
  5. Advanced Fluid Mechanics 1: Fundamentals – [edX]
  6. Advanced Fluid Mechanics – [Udemy]
  7. Engineering MAE 130A: Intro to Fluid Mechanics (English) – by University of California, Irvine – [UCI Open]
  8. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics – [Udemy]


Top Fluid Mechanics Courses, Classes, and Training Programs

 1. Lectures on Selected Topics in Classical and Fluid Mechanics – by MIPT – [Coursera]

Lectures on Selected Topics in Classical and Fluid Mechanics


Ranked number one on our list of courses for fluid mechanics is this course offered by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. It is a focused course, which targets a few selected problems of fluid mechanics and classical theoretical aspects, which are often left untouched by other instructors on the internet.


So, the concepts that are not touched upon in most other fluid mechanics online courses will be included in this course.


A good thing about this course is that it is 100% online with the best fluid mechanics lectures. So, you have a choice of deciding your deadline and timeline as per your schedule. It is an English-language course, and subtitles, too, are in English.


Rating 4.3
Duration 10 hours
Instructor Frolov Mikhail Vladimirovich
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy The 7-day trial, followed by a 14-day moneyback guarantee.
Cons The material structure might appear challenging to some.


What will you learn?

A few things that you will learn after this fluid mechanics training are listed below:

  1. Theoretical physical methods to solve fluid and classical mechanics problems.
  2. Lagrange equation and questions related to it.
  3. Rutherford’s scattering
  4. General features of the distribution in the central field
  5. Scattering for short-range and long-range potentials


What do you need?

This is one of the intermediate-level fluid mechanics courses. So, it is meant for students who already know the approaches and methods of fluid and classical mechanics.


Hence, amateurs might not find this course helpful. Of course, there are certain lectures in this fluid mechanics training program to revise the classical or theoretical mechanics, but prior knowledge is undoubtedly needed.


In addition, you should also be thorough with your mathematical understanding of differential equations theory and analysis.


Who should take this course?

This course is ideal for students with some background in fluid mechanics.



 2. Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 1 – [Udemy]

Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 1


Have you struggled in your Fluids class in college or university? If yes, and for anyone who seeks parallel help, this is one of the best fluid mechanics online courses. The course comprises a myriad of easy-to-comprehend lectures.


Further, to practice what you learn, you get a bunch of fully worked examples. It is part 1 of the three-part fluid mechanics courses.


Whatever resources are included in this course come with lifetime access? Also, all the videos are straightforward to follow. You even get an outline of notes, which you can download to help you build an organized set of notes to help you follow along.


Finally, a key reason for such a high ranking of this course is that you won’t find slides here. Instead, there are handwritten lectures that are short and span only 12-15 minutes.


Rating 4.7
Duration 6.5 hours
Instructor Cherish Qualls, PhD
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy 30-day moneyback guarantee
Cons In the first few lessons, it does seem too basic. Universal measurement units should be used.


What will you learn?

A few things that you will learn with this one of the best fluid mechanics online courses are:


  1. Buoyancy and more.
  2. Hydrostatic forces on curved and plane surfaces.
  3. Ideal gas law.
  4. Gage pressure
  5. Absolute pressure
  6. Properties of fluids – pressure, density, etc.
  7. Viscosity


What do you need?

There are three prerequisites to taking these fluid mechanics courses. These include:


  1. Basic knowledge of Calculus.
  2. How to find centroids.
  3. How to draw free-body diagrams.


Who should take this course?

This is one of the best fluid mechanics training suitable for:


  1. Engineering students who are enrolled in their initial Fluids course and need further study resources.
  2. Students who wish to review Fluids for some exams like the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam



3. Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 2 – [Udemy]

Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 2


Next on our list of fluid mechanics online courses is the third installment in a three-part series. This Udemy course, highly rated by students, offers top-notch fluid mechanics lectures that you can commence and complete at your convenience. With a flexible schedule, this 100% online course provides lifetime access to all resources.


The course is easy to follow, and the videos are good to comprehend. In addition, the course also includes a bunch of fully worked examples, which span a varying difficulty level. You can also find the downloadable outline of notes, enabling you to organize your notes to make them easy to follow along.


Also, like part 1 of this fluid mechanics training, this, too, does not have slides. Instead, there are handwritten notes, which are compiled in short videos of 12-15 minutes. There are also a bunch of examples for you to practice what you have learned.


Rating 4.8
Duration 3.5 hours
Instructor Cherish Qualls
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy 30-days moneyback guarantee
Cons The course was quite short, and the examples or the concepts used can be quite difficult at times.


What will you learn?

It is one of the best fluid mechanics online courses, and there are a couple of things for you to learn in this. These include:

  1. Stagnation, Dynamic, and Static Pressures
  2. Linear Momentum Equation
  3. Conservation of Mass
  4. Reynolds Transport Theorem
  5. Bernoulli Equation
  6. Volumetric Flow


What do you need?

To take this one of the top fluid mechanics online courses, there are some prerequisites. These include:

  1. Completing the Part 1 of the – Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students
  2. Knowledge of free-body diagrams
  3. Calculus
  4. Differential Equations


Who should take this course?

This is the best fluid mechanics training for:

  1. Students who are enrolled in the university-level Fluids course
  2. Engineers who are taking the Fundamentals of Engineering exam
  3. Students who have already taken the Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 1



4. Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 3 – [Udemy]

Intro to Fluid Mechanics for Engineering Students Part 3


At number fourth on our list of the top fluid mechanics online courses is this final part of a three-part series of the Udemy course.


The same pattern of handwritten notes is followed in this part, too. So, you will not find any unnecessary long slides. Instead, there are bite-sized 12-15 minute video lessons, with only legible handwritten notes that are quite easy to follow.


Also, there is a bundle of examples included in this course and the good thing is they are easy to find. The instructor has included examples in the same video wherein the concepts are explained.


Also, each of the resources you get in this one of the best fluid mechanics online courses comes with lifetime access. So, you can review and revise, even years from now. This also means that if there are any new updates, that, too, will be accessible to you.


Rating 4.7
Duration 7.5 hours
Instructor Cherish Qualls
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy 30-day return policy
Cons There is only one downloadable resource. You need to finish the preceding courses first to understand this course well.


What will you learn?

In this one of our top-recommended fluid mechanics courses, you will study the concepts typically covered in the university-level Intro to Fluids class. A few topics that you will learn in this fluid mechanics training are:


  1. Velocity and Acceleration Fields
  2. Continuity Equation
  3. Navier Stokes
  4. Vector Fields
  5. Stream Function
  6. Vorticity and Irrotationality
  7. Velocity Potential
  8. Dimensional Analysis & Buckingham Pi Theorem
  9. Intro to Laminar and Turbulent Flow
  10. Lagrangian & Eulerian Descriptions
  11. And more!


What do you need?

Some things or prerequisites that you need before availing of this fluid mechanics training course are:


  1. Parts 1 and 2 of this series
  2. Knowledge of differential equations and Calculus


Who should take this course?

This is one of the best fluid mechanics online courses, which is meant for students enrolled in university-level Fluids courses who seek a course for further knowledge build-up. The students who have availed the initial two parts will also find this course helpful.



5. Advanced Fluid Mechanics 1: Fundamentals – [edX]

Advanced Fluid Mechanics 1: Fundamentals


Next, we have an advanced-level fluid mechanics training program. It is a 3-month long course, and you must put in an effort of eight to twelve hours every week to timely complete the course.


The good thing is that it is a self-paced course. So, you can progress and take the course at your timeline. Also, an excellent thing about the course is that it comes free. So, you can learn without having to pay a penny.


However, there will be no certification in the free version. In this FM course, there is an array of demo videos and lectures, practice problems, lecture concept checks, and extensive problem sets.


This is part one of the set of the three fluid mechanics online courses. So, the series follows is:


  1. Fundamentals (this course)
  2. The Navier-Stokes Equations for Viscous Flows
  3. Potential Flows, Lift, Circulation & Boundary Layers


You should take all three fluid mechanics courses for a detailed and thorough understanding of the concept


The complete 3-part series is based on the material used in MIT’s class 2.25 Advanced Fluid Mechanics, which is one of the prominent first-year grad classes of MIT’s Mechanical Engineering Department.


After completing all three courses, you will have substantial knowledge to break down and analyze the most complex problems you may experience in an academic or industrial setting.


Rating N/A
Duration 12 weeks
Instructor Gareth McKinley, Bavand Keshavarz, John Liu, Emily Welsh
Certificate Optional
Live/Recorded Recorded and Live
Paid/Free Optional
Return or refund policy 14 days from your purchase date
Cons The graded assignments and the shareable certificates have a hefty price attached.


What will you learn?

A few things that you will learn as part of this one of the best fluid mechanics online courses are:

  1. Equations of motion
  2. Continuum mechanics
  3. Bernoulli’s integral
  4. Application of Bernoulli’s theorems
  5. Angular momentum theorem
  6. Application to increasingly complex systems
  7. Hydrostatics analysis of fluids in static equilibrium, buoyancy
  8. Complex fluid flow problems of engineering interest
  9. Applications of control volume analysis
  10. Control volume theorems
  11. Inviscid flow
  12. First and second laws of thermodynamics
  13. Mass conservation
  14. Buoyancy and rigid body accelerations
  15. Continuum viewpoint
  16. Euler’s equation
  17. The Mechanical Energy Equation
  18. Effects of streamlined curvature
  19. Linear momentum theorem


What do you need?

You must bear in mind a few prerequisites to take these fluid mechanics courses. These include:


  1. Knowledge of multivariable calculus
  2. Comfort with undergrad-level mechanics
  3. Familiarity with elementary vector and tensor manipulation
  4. The thoroughness of undergraduate-level differential equations
  5. Knowing the proper steps for solving second-order linear ODEs and PDEs
  6. Clarity on Fourier transforms


Anyone who lacks this background will not find this one of the top advanced-level fluid mechanics online courses helpful. You can take the course, but for you, the learning curve will be steep.


Who can take this course?

This course can be availed by students who have primary and intermediate-level knowledge of Fluid Mechanics. However, the learners residing in Iran, Cuba, and the Crimea region of Ukraine will not have access to this course.


Beyond that, residents from around the globe can avail themselves of this course. Further scientists and engineers from mechanical, chemical, and process industries will benefit the most from this course.



6. Advanced Fluid Mechanics – [Udemy]

Advanced Fluid Mechanics


It is an advanced fluid mechanics training course and is a continuation of the Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics course. This is a 100% online course with the best fluid mechanics lectures. So, you have absolute flexibility on how and when you start and finish the course.


All the resources in the course come with lifetime access. You can review and revise even ten years from now. Also, it implies that if there are any new updates to the course introduced by the instructor, you will have access to them.


Rating 4.5
Duration 19 hours
Instructor Prof. Samer
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy 30-day returns policy
Cons The course does seem stretched out at times. Quite an expensive course.


What you’ll learn

  1. Knowledge of the differential equation of conservation of mass
  2. Understanding of the differential relations for fluid particles
  3. Familiarity with concepts of inviscid
  4. Application and derivation of the differential linear momentum equation
  5. Finding analytical solutions of the equations of motion for simple flow field
  6. Laminar and turbulent flow
  7. Calculating boundary layer parameters for flow past a flat plate
  8. Calculate the stream function and pressure field
  9. Plot streamlines for a known velocity field
  10. Understand dimensional analysis and similarity
  11. Non-dimensionalization of basic equations
  12. Principle of dimensional homogeneity Pi theorem
  13. Identify and discuss the features of external flow
  14. Matlab codes for potential flows
  15. Calculating the lift and drag forces for various objects
  16. Low Reynolds number and high Reynolds number
  17. Continuity equation
  18. Navier-Stokes equation
  19. Potential flows
  20. Fluid acceleration
  21. Dimensional analysis and similarity
  22. Flow in ducts and boundary layer flows
  23. Pressure drop calculations
  24. Energy equation applied to pumps and turbines
  25. Modeling and its pitfalls
  26. Minor losses in fittings
  27. Drag and Lift Calculations
  28. Flow over immersed bodies


What do you need?

The few prerequisites to take this course are:


  1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Course
  2. Knowledge of calculus
  3. The Knowledge of Physics


Who should take this course?

This is a good pick for engineering students.



7. Engineering MAE 130A: Intro to Fluid Mechanics (English) – by University of California, Irvine – [UCI Open]

Engineering MAE 130A: Intro to Fluid Mechanics – by University of California, Irvine


Ranked at number sixth on our list of the top courses in this course by the University of California, Irvine.


Rating N/A
Duration N/A
Instructor Roger Rangel
Certificate No
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Free
Return or refund policy No
Cons It is a brief course. A little more depth in the course would have been better.


What will you learn?

A few things that you will learn in this course are:


  1. Fluid statics
  2. Bernoulli’s equation
  3. Fluid dynamics
  4. Control-volume analysis
  5. Basic flow equations of conservation of mass momentum and energy
  6. Differential analysis
  7. Potential flow
  8. Viscous incompressible flow


Who should take this course?

This course is suitable for engineers and scientists graduating in Physics.



8. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics – [Udemy]

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics


Now, we have arrived at the last course on our list. It is a Udemy course, which has been availed of by around 8000 students. It is a 100% online course, which can be availed at your schedule and timeline.


There are 37 exercises included in this course, which will give you good practice of all that you have learned in this course. An excellent thing about this course is that all the resources come with lifetime access.


So, if you need to re-access it anytime in the future, you will still have all the material in your dashboard. Also, if the instructor adds any new material, you will have access to that too.


Rating 4.8
Duration 8.5 hours
Instructor Prof. Samer
Certificate Yes
Live/Recorded Recorded
Paid/Free Paid
Return or refund policy 30-days return policy
Cons The course moves quite slowly.


What will you learn?


A few things that you will learn with this one of the top-recommended fluid mechanics courses are:


  1. Introduction to fluid properties
  2. Determining the variation of pressure in a fluid at rest
  3. Pressure measurement using manometers and barometers
  4. Hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces
  5. Knowledge of pressure distribution in the fluid
  6. Determining the moments and forces exerted by a fluid at rest
  7. Having a working knowledge of viscosity and surface tension
  8. Effect of surface tension on capillary drop or rise in tubes
  9. Understanding the consequences of the frictional effects caused by fluid flow
  10. Using the control volume analysis to find the force associated with fluid flow
  11. Addressing the fluid flow problems by employing the integral relations for differential relations and control volume
  12. Integral relations for a control volume
  13. Bernoulli equations
  14. Linear momentum equation and energy
  15. Mass conservation and buoyancy


What do you need?

To enroll in this one of the best fluid mechanics training, you need:


  1. Knowledge of Calculus
  2. The Knowledge of Physics


Who should take this course?

This course is ideal for engineering students.




So, these are the top eight best fluid mechanics online courses. Through this article, we have attempted to include all the information about these courses. If you aspire to know more about these fluid mechanics courses, you can browse through the links annexed.


In the links, you can find further details, such as the date of the course start, the enrolment date, the price of the course, instructor information, and the reviews from the students who have already availed of this course.


Overall, please remember that you may select any course from the list above, you will benefit a ton from it in your learning journey.

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